Home . Comparing Hyperbaric Chambers

Not All Chambers Are Created the Same

Not All Chambers Are Created the Same

All HBOT chambers serve the same purpose: delivering 100% pure oxygen at higher-than-normal air pressure to saturate the body with oxygen and treat a wide variety of medical conditions.

However, each type of chamber administers the treatment differently, making it essential to understand these differences to make informed decisions for your health and healing.

In this guide, we will cover monoplace and multiplace chambers, both of which fall under the hard-side HBOT category, and then explore the unique features of the Cutting Edge Hyperbaric & Healing Center chambers.

Monoplace HBOT Chambers

A monoplace chamber is designed to accommodate one person, offering a comfortable and private treatment experience. This setup allows for faster sessions and focused attention from the medical staff. However, due to safety protocols, patients are required to wear special clothing, which means personal items like books and phones cannot be brought inside.

The chamber’s clear, durable acrylic walls provide visibility, allowing patients to easily see the staff or nearby television screens. This feature helps alleviate feelings of anxiety or claustrophobia that some individuals may experience during treatment. 

Each of these chambers is equipped with an advanced communication system, giving patients direct access to our specialists for any questions or concerns during treatment.


Multiplace HBOT Chambers

A multiplace chamber is designed to accommodate multiple patients at once, typically holding 5 to 6 individuals. Instead of filling the entire chamber with pure oxygen, each patient receives oxygen through a personal mask or hood.

Since the air pressure in these chambers isn’t as high as in a monoplace chamber, patients can often wear their regular clothes and bring along books or mobile devices for entertainment during the session.

Multiplace chambers are commonly used in hospitals and trauma centers, where treating multiple patients simultaneously is routine. While they may not be as efficient as monoplace chambers, they are still FDA-approved for treating various conditions.

However, some patients may find breathing through a mask or hood slightly uncomfortable, and others may feel uneasy sharing a confined space with several strangers. Additionally, it’s more challenging to tailor hyperbaric oxygen treatments in multiplace chambers compared to the precision possible with monoplace options.

Soft Side HBOT Chambers

Soft hyperbaric oxygen chambers are only FDA-approved for treating mountain sickness and do not offer the same level of benefits as hard-side HBOT chambers.

Typically made from plastic materials that cannot withstand the higher pressures needed for effective oxygen delivery, these chambers are less powerful.

One advantage is that they don’t require a physician’s recommendation or prescription, making it possible for individuals to purchase and use a mild chamber in their own homes.

the important details about soft-side chambers

However, these are the important details you need to know about soft-side chambers

Hard-Sided Chambers

Monoplace and multiplace HBOT chambers are categorized as hard-side chambers. They are made from robust materials capable of withstanding pressures up to 3.0 atmospheres. This construction allows for precise control over the atmospheric pressure within the chamber, enabling treatments to be tailored to individual patient needs.

These elevated pressures are essential for effectively saturating the body with pure oxygen. At such pressures, arterial blood oxygen levels can reach up to 1,737 mmHg, significantly higher than the 159 mmHg typically found at normal air pressure.

At Cutting Edge Hyperbaric & Healing Center

At Cutting Edge Hyperbaric & Healing Center, we prioritize scientific evidence and innovation. To stay at the forefront, we ensure our doctors attend annual meetings hosted by organizations such as the European Underwater and Baromedical Society, Hyperbaric Medicine International Society, Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society, American College of Hyperbaric Medicine, and the International Hyperbarics Association.

The benefits of hard-side HBOT chambers include:

Choose The Right HBOT Chamber For Optimal Results

At Cutting Edge Hyperbaric & Healing Center, we utilize our comfortable, durable, and rigorously tested monoplace hyperbaric chambers from Sechrist Industries Inc., a global leader in HBOT technology. These advanced chambers are equipped with the essential features to deliver precise levels of oxygen at the correct pressure.

Reach out to us today if you have any questions about the different types of HBOT chambers and how our top-of-the-line equipment can provide effective treatments.